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Version: 6.1.0


Here is the basic markup, which can be enhanced. Pay extra attention to the comments.

<!-- 1. The main content container -->
<div id="main"></div>
<!-- 2. The dialog container -->
<div id="your-dialog-id" aria-hidden="true">
<!-- 3. The dialog overlay -->
<div data-a11y-dialog-hide></div>
<!-- 4. The actual dialog -->
<div role="dialog" aria-labelledby="your-dialog-title-id">
<!-- 5. The inner document -->
<div role="document">
<!-- 6. The close button -->
<button type="button" data-a11y-dialog-hide aria-label="Close dialog">
<!-- 7. The dialog title -->
<h1 id="your-dialog-title-id">Your dialog title</h1>
<!-- 8. Dialog content -->
  1. The main container is where your site/app content lives.

    • It can have a different id than main, however you will have to pass it as a second argument to the A11yDialog instance. See instantiation instructions further down.
  2. The dialog container.

    • It is not the actual dialog window, just the container with which the script interacts.
    • It can have a different id than your-dialog-id, but it needs an id anyway.
    • It might need a class for you to be able to style it.
    • It should have an initial aria-hidden="true" to avoid a “flash of unhidden dialog” on page load.
    • It can have the data-a11y-dialog attribute (with the “targets” as value, see Instantiation) to automatically instantiate the dialog without JavaScript.
  3. The dialog overlay.

    • It doesn’t have to have the data-a11y-dialog-hide attribute, however this is recommended. It hides the dialog when clicking outside of it.
    • It should not have the data-a11y-dialog-hide if the dialog is an alert dialog.
  4. The actual dialog.

    • It may have the alertdialog role to make it an alert dialog.
    • It is recommend to have the aria-labelledby attribute matching the id of the dialog title (which can itself be hidden if desired).
    • It can be a <dialog> element, but it is not recommended.
  5. The inner document.

    • It doesn’t have to exist but improves support in NVDA.
    • It doesn’t have to exist when using <dialog> because is implied.
  6. The dialog close button.

    • It does have to have the type="button" attribute.
    • It does have to have the data-a11y-dialog-hide attribute.
    • It does have to have an aria-label attribute (or otherwise accessible name) if you use an icon as content.
  7. The dialog title.

    • It should have a different content than “Dialog Title”.
    • It can have a different id than your-dialog-title-id.
  8. The dialog content.

    • This is where your dialog content lives.