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Version: 7.0.0

Dialog element

The native HTML <dialog> element is notoriously inconsistent, so much so that it has long been discouraged to use it. Among other things, here are some of the issues with the HTML <dialog> element:

  • Clicking the backdrop does not close the dialog on Chrome.
  • The native ::backdrop only shows when programatically opening the dialog, not when using the open attribute.
  • Default styles are left to the browsers’ discretion and can be inconsistent.
  • It still requires JavaScript anyway, so it’s not even 100% HTML.
  • Read more about the shortcoming of the dialog element by Scott O'hara.
  • Using role="alertdialog" on the <dialog> element does not prevent the ESC key from closing the dialog, which is not a violation of the spec, but potentially problematic (e.g. with forms).

Additionally, there are still reasons to use a11y-dialog (or a similar library):

  • Not wanting to deal with browsers inconsistencies. It would be a bad reason to use a JavaScript library if <dialog> worked without JavaScript, which it doesn’t. So if one wants a dialog that looks the same everywhere, then a library like a11y-dialog remains the way to go.
  • Having to support old browsers without the <dialog> element. I guess a polyfill might be better in a case like that, but also maybe not. Might as well use the same library for everything.
  • Building more complex interactions relying on events. The native <dialog> element doesn’t come with an event API, so one cannot react to it being open or closed.
  • Using a framework-specific wrapper around it, like React or Vue.js. It’s going to be easier to integrate with a11y-dialog than the native element.