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Version: 7.0.0


If you’re using a bundler (such as Webpack or Rollup), you can install a11y-dialog through npm or yarn like any other dependency:

npm install a11y-dialog

Then you can import the library in your JavaScript codebase to access the A11yDialog class and instantiate your dialogs as you intend to.

import A11yDialog from 'a11y-dialog'

const container = document.querySelector('#my-dialog-container')
const dialog = new A11yDialog(container)

If you rely on the data-a11y-dialog attribute to automate the dialog instantiation in order not to write JavaScript at all, you could simplify the import as such:

import 'a11y-dialog'

Using a CDN

If you prefer loading a11y-dialog from a CDN such as jsdelivr or unpkg, you can do so by adding this script tag in your HTML. It will expose the A11yDialog global variable.


If you intend to use ES modules, you can use the ESM version of script (from v6.0.0 onwards only):

<script type="module">
import A11yDialog from ''

const container = document.querySelector('#my-dialog-container')
const dialog = new A11yDialog(container)