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Version: 8.0.0


Instance events

When shown, hidden and destroyed, the instance will emit certain events. It is possible to subscribe to these with the .on(..) method which will receive a cancelable CustomEvent.

For events triggered from interacting with a UI element (such as opening or closing with a button), the original click event is passed in the detail key of the DOM event.


  • is the dialog container since all events are dispatched from that element under the hood.
  • event.detail contains the original click event (if triggered via a UI interaction).
  • contains the element that was interacted with. Beware: This may be a descendant of the dialog opener/closer!
  •'[data-a11y-dialog-show]') can be used to retrieve the actual opener.
  •'[data-a11y-dialog-hide]') can be used to retrieve the actual closer.
// Do something when the dialog gets shown
dialog.on('show', function (event) {
const container =
// And if the event is the result of a UI interaction (i.e. was not triggered
// programmatically via `.show(..)`), the `detail` prop contains the original
// event
const target =
const opener = target.closest('[data-a11y-dialog-show]')

// Do something when the dialog gets hidden
dialog.on('hide', function (event) {
const container =
// And if the event is the result of a UI interaction (i.e. was not triggered
// programmatically via `.hide(..)`), the `detail` prop contains the original
// event
const target =
const closer = target.closest('[data-a11y-dialog-hide]')

// Do something when the dialog instance gets destroyed
dialog.on('destroy', function (event) {
const container =

You can unregister these handlers with the off() method.

dialog.on('show', doSomething)
// …'show', doSomething)

DOM events

For auto-instantiated dialogs though, registering event listeners on the instance is not possible since there is no access to the dialog instance itself. To work around the problem while still relying on auto-instantiation, it is possible to listen for DOM events on the dialog container. The API is exactly the same since the .on(..) and .off(..) methods are just aliases for .addEventListener(..) and .removeEventListener(..).

// Do something when the dialog gets shown
container.addEventListener('show', function (event) {
const container =
const target =
const opener = target.closest('[data-a11y-dialog-show]')

// Do something when the dialog gets hidden
container.addEventListener('hide', function (event) {
const container =
const target =
const closer = target.closest('[data-a11y-dialog-hide]')

// Do something when the dialog instance gets destroyed
container.addEventListener('destroy', function (event) {
const container =

You can unregister these event listeners with the removeEventListener() method, just like any other DOM event.

container.addEventListener('show', doSomething)
// …
container.removeEventListener('show', doSomething)