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Version: 8.0.0

Migrating to v8

Version 8 should be backward compatible with version 7 for the most part so the required changes should be minor if anything.

Internet Explorer support

If you need to support Internet Explorer, you will need to stick to version 7 as version 8 made the conscious decision to drop support to keep the library size small and efficient.

Private properties

“Private” instance properties used to be prefixed with an underscore (e.g. _id). This is no longer the case in version 8, which leverages TypeScript access support (private). Additionally, the _openers, _closers and _listeners properties no longer exist.

If you were doing weird things with these private properties, you’ll have to adjust your code to take the renaming into consideration, and ideally no longer use them at all.


Events used to be handled with a tiny home made event system. Instead, they now go entirely through the DOM. They are internally bound to the dialog container with addEventListener and they are emitted via CustomEvent objects.

While the on and off methods remain, the callback signature has changed. First, it no longer receive the dialog element, and secondly the event itself is different than it used to be since it’s now a CustomEvent. This goes for all event types.

Before (version 7):

// Version 7
dialog.on('show', function (container, event) {
const target =
const opener = event.currentTarget

After (version 8):

// Version 8
dialog.on('show', function (event) {
// `` contains the dialog container, since it’s where we dispatch
// the custom event from.
const container =
// `` contains the interacted-with element, which may be a
// child of the actual dialog opener.
const target =
// The opener itself is not stored anywhere and needs to be retrieved with
// `.closest(..)`.
const opener = target.closest('[data-a11y-dialog-show]')

Refer to the documentation on events for more information about listening to dialog events.

No more create event

It used to be possible to listen to create events, although it was very awkward because that event would be fired in the constructor. This means it used to fire, but it was technically impossible to bind a listener before it does. This oddity has been addressed.

Again, because it was basically a glitch, it shouldn’t cause any issue.

Focus trap

The focus trap is improved in version 8. Namely, it addresses issues where certain focusable elements were not properly recognized as such when used as first or last item in the dialog (any other position than first/last worked fine).

It now properly accounts for shadow DOM, which means it plays nicely with web components (such as Lit, webc or Polymer). If you had problems with them before, you should be able to remove any workaround you might have come up with.

Additionally, it now properly handles details and summary elements. Namely:

  • It considers focusable the first summary element directly within a details element, provided it doesn’t have a negative tabindex attribute.
  • It considers focusable details elements provided they do not have a summary element and do not have a negative tabindex attribute.

Finally, it now checks for the presence of the inert attribute.


While the support for inert is increasing, it’s not perfect. The focus trap will ignore inert elements and all elements inside them, regardless of the browser support for inert. If you want or need to rely on it, consider using this polyfill.