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Version: 8.x.x


If you happen to work with React, Vue, Solid or Svelte in your project, you’re lucky! There are already great lightweight wrappers implemented for a11y-dialog:

Alternatives to react-a11y-dialog


This section was originally posted on the react-a11y-dialog repository in 2021. While the situation may have changed a little, it remains a solid comparison of react-a11y-dialog and its popular alternatives.

The major difference between react-a11y-dialog and @reach/dialog, @react-aria/dialog or @headlessui/dialog is that they ultimately belong to an encompassing framework (@reach, @react-aria and @headlessui/react respectively). So if you are using their toolbelts already, you might as well use their dialog implementation, since it’s included in.

I’m going to assume you are in fact not using @reach, @react-aria or @headlessui/react fully, so let’s break it down a little and see what’s going on.

File size

Let’s start by talking about file size. Here is the information gathered from bundlephobia:

If you ask me, 9Kb for a dialog script is too much. The composition of the @react/dialog package is interesting though: 20% of it is a package intended to lock the window scroll. This is something a11y-dialog does not do natively, but offers a 2-lines solution.

After that we have 30% in 2 focus trap packages, which is not too surprising since that is the core of a dialog. Still, 2.9Kb is a lot in my opinion—that’s almost the entire size of react-a11y-dialog. The only reason I can think of for why trapping the focus is that heavy is because it handles more cases than a11y-dialog (see focus trap below).

On @react-aria/dialog’s side, 50% of its size comes from @react-aria/interactions, a utility library providing all @react-aria packages some handy hooks and functions to handle keyboard shortcuts and focus management. Do they need all of it in the dialog component/hook? Most likely not. I guess tree-shaking will shuffle down what’s not needed, but still. That makes a lot of sense in the context of their overall framework though. The more packages you use from the framework, the more code can be reused—that’s a good approach for both of these libs.

Since there is no way to get only the dialog from @headlessui/react, I’d say only use it if you’re going to use more of its components otherwise that feels like an overpriced dialog honestly.

Focus trap

Trapping the focus within the dialog is probably what’s hardest in building a dialog library. The basics are very easy to cover, but if you want to cover every single case, it takes a lot of effort. And that’s because getting all focusable elements is way harder than it should be.

a11y-dialog uses focusable-selectors, a micro-package of my own, which exposes a collection of CSS selectors aiming at querying all the focusable elements. Unfortunately, it is not possible with CSS only, because of certains cases outlined in the documentation of another package attempting to do this more reliable, focus-trap/tabbable.

Looking at how focus-lock (the library used by @reach/dialog) queries tabbable elements, I would say there is a lot they do not cover here (although the code is so fragmented, it’s a little hard to be certain). Naming just a few: audio and video should have the controls attribute to be focusable, elements with the tabindex attribute are only tabbable if the value is not negative, hidden inputs should not be considered tabbable and radio inputs are their own mess as well. That being said, the library itself is 2.5Kb, so I assume it does quite a lot of things, still.

Looking at FocusScope (the component used by @react-aria), it looks a little more solid to me, but still it’s a lot of code, so I hope they do handle focusable elements more comprehensively than what a11y-dialog does, otherwise I wonder why one needs so much code.

The way @headlessui/react finds focusable elements is similar to the one from a11y-dialog but omits quite a few cases, such as audio and video elements with the controls attribute, and yields false positives like considering hidden inputs and visually hidden elements focusable. So not bad, but also not perfect I’d say (if there is even such a thing), especially considering it ships almost 4Kb for that purpose only.


When it comes to making anything but the dialog itself “inert” (as in, non discoverable/focusable), you have 2 big methods:

  1. Setting aria-hidden="true" to the content container (or containers, if your application is divided in multiple root containers) when the dialog is open, and turning it off when the dialog is closed. Similarly, the dialog (or its container) should have aria-hidden="true" when closed so it’s also only usable when open.

  2. Setting aria-modal="true" on the dialog to essentially do the same thing and make it stand out.

As far as I know, the first method was there first, before the aria-modal attribute was formally introduced, and has long been the most solid way to make it happen. My understanding is that as of now, both methods are equally fine.

  • Birkir Gunnarsson told me on Twitter that aria-modal="true" should be fine provided the focus is handled properly (which goes without saying).
  • Aurélien Levy told me old versions of VoiceOver didn’t handle aria-modal well but as of now, his company Temesis, recommends the aria-modal approach to less mature development team because the implementation is easier than toggling aria-hidden on a few containers.

@react-aria/dialog (and a11y-dialog v6 and below) use the aria-hidden="true" strategy while @reach/dialog, @headlessui/react and a11y-dialog all use the aria-modal="true" strategy.

All that being said, if support with old assistive technologies is of any concern for you, you might want to stick to an implementation that switches the aria-hidden attribute to be on the safe side.

Other features

Alert dialogs

It seems that all libraries but @headlessui/react support using alert dialogs, which are dialogs that require user interaction and therefore cannot be closed via ESC or clicking on the backdrop. @reach offers it as another package though (@reach/alert-dialog), which weighs 9.7Kb (although it probably share a lot of code with the @reach/dialog one so it’s going to be less than 19Kb in practice). I couldn’t figure out how to do it with @react-aria/dialog but their documentation says it’s possible, and their codebase mentions an AlertDialog component, so maybe it just doesn’t exist with the hook.


They also all provide some sort of event system to react to the dialog being open or closed, which is sometimes necessary to buid more complex interfaces.

Nested dialogs

I didn’t really dig for nested dialogs’ support since it’s a pretty fishy design pattern anyway, but this is supported by a11y-dialog under the hood. I don’t know whether it’s handled properly by react-a11y-dialog though—I never tried. @react-aria/dialog mentions it in its documentation, so it must be supported. @headlessui/react does not mention it in its documentation but supports it and @reach/dialog doesn’t mention it anywhere, so probably not.


All libraries provide decent flexibility overall: @reach/dialog and @headlessui/react do not have a hook, but they have several components for the container, the overlay, the dialog… react-a11y-dialog exports both a component and a hook for more advanced use cases. @react-aria/dialog provides the most flexibility with a lot of hooks and components which can be brought together.


Another thing I noticed is that @reach/dialog provides a way to determine which element should receive focus when opening the dialog, which can be handy in some cases where you have an extremely long dialog, and the first focusable element would cause it to scroll all the way to the bottom. In a case like this, being able to focus, say, the title instead is a good solution.

License & support

@react/reach is published under MIT, and is now maintained mainly by one person from what I can see on their repository, Chance Strickland. It’s a big React framework though, so I don’t see it disappearing any time soon.

@react-aria is maintained by Adobe under the Apache-2.0 license, which I assume is less permissive than MIT but still allows commercial use, so that’s basically just as good for most use cases I guess. There seem to be more contributors, which is kind of nice.

@headlessui/react is maintained by one person only (as far as I can tell, Robin Malfait) under the MIT license. It’s part of the TailwindLabs GitHub organization though, so probably not going anywhere.

react-a11y-dialog and a11y-dialog are solely maintained by me and published under MIT. I authored a11y-dialog in 2016 and have published it 50 times across 8 different major releases since then. That’s the open-source project I enjoy working on the most, but ultimately, it’s subject to me maintaining it of course.

All that being said, a dialog is a dialog. Once it’s up and running, it should be able to stand the test of time. The accessibility/browser landscape doesn’t move so fast that our current implementations will become obsolete a year down the line. Heck, years old implementations are still totally great to this day because nothing really changed that much.


First off: any of these 4 libraries will be great. They are all solving the main problem: creating accessible dialogs. So you can’t really go wrong. I’m not a fan of the absence of sub-packages for @headlessui/react, and between @reach/dialog and @react-aria/dialog, I personally prefer the latter, because it’s half the size of the former but provides the same feature set and flexibility as far as I can tell.

I will keep using react-a11y-dialog because it’s small, and built on top of a tiny and solid library I maintain myself.

Ultimately, it’s going to depend what you value the most. If you want to do fancy things and want a lot of flexibility, react-a11y-dialog might fall a little short (although I think you’ll still be able to manage to do whatever with it). In a case like this, one of the other libraries would provide you more of a toolbelt to build dialog-based interactions the way you intend it.

If you want something lightweight and simple, react-a11y-dialog is probably a good idea. Heck, you could even use a11y-dialog instead and build your own component or hook. Ultimately, it’s not much more than:

const MyDialogComponent = props => {
const container = React.useRef()

React.useEffect(() => {
const instance = new A11yDialog(container.current)

return () => {
if (instance) instance.destroy()
}, [])

return ReactDOM.createPortal(
aria-labelledby={ + '-title'}
<div data-a11y-dialog-hide></div>
<div role="document">
<h1 id={ + '-title'}>{props.title}</h1>
<button type="button" data-a11y-dialog-hide>